XXXXXXXXXXXX//////////////////////////////////////something about me for us
In the morning telephone rung. It was locksmith. Fianlly. My mailbox is going to be fixed on monday! Yeah!!!
I collected Hudson Mo's and SQRPSHR's EPs today. Went to visit good ol'vinyl store. Will spend this day on doing nothing as I haven't been doing nothing since a long long time.
In the afternoon want to go to Paz, Dani and Edu they are doing a small party. Chill out for today.
Can a book cheat the man? Or can the man cheat him/herself with a book? Or are these just presuppositions? When you are making a life-changing decision (isn't every decision life-changing?) what/who/what concept is the decision "based upon"?
Is there anything between us when there is no trust? What do you do when you are supposed to know?
I found out that I prefer to learn empirically. I mean by action. It sometimes has some consequences that I do have to bear in mind later on, but it gives me knowledge. Experiments are part of the life. The trick is to catch the fire without being burned.
Lies, Lies, Lies. Today I made something I am ashamed of. Guess it is a part of a process of growing up. Accepting things that you don't want to do. The lesson I've learned today is that even when you go for a compromise you should seek win-win situation. Compromise is not about giving up and losing. It is about finding a solution in which both/all the sides gain.
A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both. - Dwight D. Eisenhower, Inaugural address, 20 January 1953
These are the hardest days of my life. Work-related problems. Bulling... It's hard for me but I am getting tougher and tougher. It's time to grow up. And I have to do it really fast. I think that I finally realized that the difference between the child and the adult is that child is free to experiment. And quite often breaks the system. But there is always a parent or any other adult that comes in and solves the problems. In adult life there are no second-chances. There are one life opportunities. And you have to grasp them and never let them go.
Today it was a hard day. Because of the decisions I had to make. When you do not accept something that someone else is doing what do you do? You ignore it? You forget about it? You try to accept it? What is your 'strategy'?
I decided to make a change. It is the hardest way though.
Finally some photos from the New Year's Party. And you know what...This was last proper party (not counting the house party I went to with Ollie, and Ollie's Birthday Party) I went to. So to say it was last club party. Lastnightparty...
After a cozy week came a rainy monday. I had strange feelings at work today. Probably because I got an infection and am coughing a little bit...But that's not just it. I don't know where from this thought has came but it came and since it came I have to evaluate it: some people I work with are afraid of 'immigrants', that they will take their place of work...Guess that it is truth from what I've experienced today and it wasn't the kindest experience ever. Though it made me stronger again. I just wonder how long will the experiences make me stronger (I mean it is a good excuse for the bad things that happen to you but I think I will find a different way to cope with this kind of experiences).
I met Lucil on the bus. Will go for coffee tomorrow.
After receiving turntable this wednesday I chilled out much more. My flat is now filled with good vibes. When I get furniture (I have "borrowed" a matress but shhhh...)it's gonna be best venue in fckng city!!!
YEAH!!! Today I received my turntable!!! It came neatly packed with good vinyls I had ordered!!! And from the very moment when I put the record on my flat seems more like home. Comfycozy...
Yesterday I went to Ollie's. It was his Birthday!!! That motherfucker didn't tell me!!! We had fun. 'A' came with 'B' and shared his new music with us. Good ideas and inspirations. There was also Scott, Jason, someone whom I will temporarly call 'Mr.K' and All... Night thinking about the Beatles and different messages and information...
I noted some new Ideas. Some slogans, some catchy phrases, some new points of view.
Since it is a beginning of a year...I should re-fresh myself and actually I feel much better in UK now. More relaxed and chilled out. In other words it's new me coming through...
Waiting for my package to come...almost there...
Yesterday had a whale of time watching with Paz, Dani and Edu Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels...Classics...
Yaeh! The year moves on! Day at work, day at parties, day at home. This week was exhausting! Diverse and entertaining. The best part of it was saturday. We went alltogether to the Lamp (Paz, Dani, Edu and I).Got a few pints, danced, enjoyed ourselves. We got some mixtapes from Pork (local DJ, good stuff!!!). Ollie came in later and when my spanish friends went home I and Ollie we went to the [W]. But the party didn't finish there. From [W] we went to a house party. I walked there with Arman and we met all the people there. This was the first british-people-only house party I've been to in UK. Some good music, some refreshing drinks, some nice girls. Went home early in the morning...
If a man will begin in certainties he shall end in doubts; but if he will be content to begin in doubts he shall end in certainties. - Francis Bacon, 1561 - 1626
New Year's Eve was great! Dorota came and visited me and we went to the Lamp. Live bands, DJs, all that jazz...Then Dani, Paz and Gabriel arrived and it was even better. Dancing to cow and chicken (who was there knows what I mean!).
Two days at rest...Becoming fresh...Today went with Ilona to see Yes Man. The movie was so so...The music was great.
Keep on playing with SuperCollider. New arguments I've learned about are mul and add. Fun (: