za oknem łąka za oknem staw
New linocut. This print has much better quality than the previous one. I tried to experiment with different cuts to find out what effects will that create. I also wanted to colorize it a little so that it was more "readable".
I have made initial three prints. The starting idea was to create an abstract the final effect (at least for this print) is not neccessarily what I intended. With the future prints I am going to experiment with colours and different types of paints.
Well done! First good quality print is ready.
te:chni:que linocut, crayons
ti:tle za oknem łąka za oknem staw
please look at it, its good music and i'm just getting started.
follow the blog!
efekt jak z jakiejś zapomnianej książeczki z dzieciństwa...
looks good keep going
ajt! thanks for feedback!
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