tools & other: template, roller, spoon, paint, paper


work out

moment of truth

. . . e
et voila! voila? hmmm...a long way to go baby...

Although I am well awere of that my first tries in linocut are far away from good quality, I am publishing here the first print not only for historic purposes but also to have something that I shall relate to in the future so that I could compare and find out what developments (if any) would I make. The plan is that I want to master the technique and become its conscious user within next couple of weeks. Quite ambitious plan considering that I should be studying different things for my work...However! Expect new work soon! Feel free to comment (feedback please!!!).

1 comment:

Natalis said...

to bardzo fajna zabawa,bardzo lubiłam te zajęcia w szkole... nie wątpię,że z łatwością technikę opanujesz :)