10th Commandment on tour
This morning was quite interesting. After waking up, all of a sudden, I found myself in a situation that you would think I couldn't have predicted. It had been snowing outside.
I write that you would possibly think that I couldn't have predicted it because I somehow expected a sudden change in the system. Here is how I think about what's happened:
Thoughts and beliefs of groups of people can form patterns stable in their activity. This interconectivity creates a structure or closed system which can adapt to certain degree. All this artificial inteligence babble is only intended to visualize the possibilty of measurment of such systems. And here is a place where thermodynamics ntrs.
If you think of this closed thoughts' system again, you will find out that it changes only during the emergence of new ideas. As in dynamics we are only aware of end)memory(beginning states.
If the idea is useful/efficient/productive it needs less energy to sustain the system in the new state. So that the energy that used to get absorbed by wishful thinking present in the system (such as 'his bicycle is going to be stolen, because Bytom is unsafe city' to be more specific and relate to a real example) could be used elsewhere. Hence the loss of energy in the space where I left the object of my experiment and proof of change in the space. The bicycle was waiting for me although the temperature had changed.
Very interesting part of my happening was mental wrestling that I was doing with myself since I had left the object alone. All this was immersed in constantly changing emotional context (depending on with whom I was and what sort of information about the project did I share).
On my way back to the bicycle I remained cool and calm. I was observing some internal tensions and influence of the mix of external expectations that some of the people with whom I shared the knowledge about the 'lonely bike' have suggested to me. Most common expectation was that the bicycle would be stolen.
Luckily (?) I found the bicycle safe and sound. The space is safe. But not because of itself. For me it's the proof that the material culture of people who came into interaction with the object has the property of respect for personal belongings.
I felt very happy when I got on the bike and went to work.
10th Commandment on tour II
10th Commandment in Kronika
AutoCenso+++ited (2010:05:29)
4th and 6th Commandments in Kronika
AutoCenso+++ited (2010:05:29)
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