
This day was crucial. For couple of reasons. I went for a viewing of an apartment. I decided to take it. Then I was late for work but got a new understanding of my workplace. I am getting used to my future role. Though I still don't feel that confident in it as I would like to, I am beginning to understand what is it all about. I also start to understand what are the others' perceptions about me. It's kinda' funny because I don't like what most of the people think about me and I keep repeating to myself that 'appearances are deceiving'. Thinking of myself I am slowly starting to be more down to earth and realistic. More pragmatic you could say. This is a great experience because I find out a lot of new truths about myself and what is most important for me I am starting to challenge my self-perception. I am going through changes. And I like it. Guess that the maturity begins...

Later in the evening I found couple of mice (Ewa is really afraid of mice and I had to take care of it).

During the training I made myself a bruise on my chin. Looks a little bit funny.

Sometimes I wonder to myself where do I get this drive and energy and willingness to do good from.
I would like to thank my Mother here since she is the only explanation I can find.

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