And here is something I will teach you (I prefer to say that I will share with you) (don't resist...stay cool and continue reading please...).
(Tutorial inspired by Natalis' comments)
It is a short tutorial how to creat a nice looking explicit link...
When you want your links to appear like this on a site try to use these instructions.
IMPORTANT!!! In the tutorial I've used "(" and ")" type of brackets, but to make the code work you will have to change the brackets to "<" and ">" respectively...
Don't worry...after reading it, and some experiments it should all be clear...
1. Copy-paste this as a text somewhere in your blog (comment, text, captation to photo/drawing, etc.):
(a href="http://")(/a)
(remember that in "real-life" you will have to change the brackets!!!)
2. Copy-paste the link to the web-site or other web-page content that you would like to be displayed upon clicking on the link, into the space between the " and ".
For instance I will use the link that you pasted in in your comment:
(a href="")(/a)
(remember about changing the brackets!!!)
3. Now that you have the link you can write something that you would like to be displayed on the site instead of the long link itself. You have to write it between those two brackets ")(" (in "real life these would be ">" and "<" respectively). This is important!!! This are the brackets between " and /a.
For instance: I will write down something and you will see how your link might appear on the site!!! (:
This is the synthax:
(a href="")parental advisory!!! adult content!!!(a/)
(remember that brackets should be different!!!)
And this is how it looks like when you change the "(" and ")" brackets to "<" and ">" brackets.
parental advisory!!! adult content!!!
Viola!!! Try it and click the link!!!
(When you know the synthax you can use the "link" icon while writing a post alternatively...Hovewer knowledge about the synthax allows you to use it anywhere...)
thanks for tutorial, i've tried it and it works, i will use this when i do new post.
looking forward to it!!!
fajnie, dzięki raz jeszcze, trochę głupia taka zabawa w rozmowy po ęgelsku jak się kuma pol.
no ale cóż mogę, do dziś nie wiedziałam żeś polak.
pozdrawiam. po prostu moje brytyjskie alter-ego...i łatwiej mi jest pisać coś o sobie w innym ję i "po ęgelsku można komunikować się z innymi ludźmi"...(po Twojej reakcji wnoszę, że jak zwykle straciłem, bom z Polska...)
ależ nic bardziej mylnego.
wymiatasz w tym alter-ęgelsku nieźle.
to skąd Jesteś jest not importante amigo.
wciąż jestem za :)
In fact...i also have a british
alter ego
uff...już pomyślałem, że "zakwitły kwiaty..."
...I thought that you knew that I was Polish...
...I saw your photo...Mary...
well done with the link!!!
And if you worry about being ginger...
I like to point out that her teeth are green?!
ale tylko po wewnętrznej stronie...
niestety drugiego nie mogę otworzyć, nie posiadam odpowiedniej aparatury.
and i'm not worryrili
well done bo nauczyłeś well
a dowiedziałam się po dokładnym przeszukaniu Twojego bloga so
"dokładne przeszukanie"...hehe
any connections with Chine?
it's too personal question :)
...probably I would have to ask it in Swedish?
in Icelandic please
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